Thursday, March 31, 2011

O bRoThEr

Hey y'all sorry I've been crazy busy at work these last 2 weeks due to coming to the end of 1 st. quarter. I had to go this past weekend to clean up my desk. It's so bad that I even took one of my little angels with me.

Well I know I've been slacking with my passages about mr. I plan on updating that later tonight but here's whats been going on. We hit the 8th month mark meaning 3/4 of this deployment is over. I have about 13 weeks left in this big old city and I'm off to Killeen Texas. Meaning I need to get as much family time in as possible before I leave. My fathers side of the family is hurting really bad right now. My uncle unfortunately suffers from alzheimer's . He recently fell at the rehab center he was living and suffered a brain injury. My cousins finally made an executive decision which led to taking him off the life support late yesterday. Now we are waiting to see what happens. My heart breaks for his children and my father. I don't know what I would do without my daddy. But all we can do now is pray and wait to see what happens.

This past week my middle angel revived her 8th grade ring which is a milestone for her and anxiety attack for me. She will be attending High school next year at FHA which I'm extremely proud of because I am an Alumni.

I just can't believe how fast time is going. I remember picking her up from preschool and now she off to high school. I'm just glad I will be getting to see her graduate and be there for her birthday and dance recital. I swear these kids literally grew up in the blink of an eye.

I have also been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. It's not like my responsibilities have changed or I have taken on to much I just have so much on my mind I'm about to burst. I have started to go back to therapy and I finally found someone I like. I'm sad that our session will stop at the end of my stay here because I feel extremely comfortable with him. I know your probably thinking therapy what is she crazy. Sometimes you have to admit to yourself it's ok to feel what you are feeling and seek help. Help dose not always have mean medication or something extreme, I just need to let out some of my frustrations an therapy is defiantly the answer.

Tomorrow will mark exactly 3 month till I move so here is my to do list.

1. Get small things for the house I.e. New dinner ware, sheets, towels, bathroom and kitchen accessories.

2. Lose 15 more or plus pounds

3. Find a new job

4. Figure Out what to do next in life.

5. Plan vacation

6. Send thank you cards out.

7. Get house ready for Mr.'s arrival

8. Find dress for homecoming day

9. Find dress for Military Ball

10. Wait and Wait for it to be over

I'm lucky I have the girls back at Hood. Some are waiting my arrival. I'm driving down in a few weeks for a visit and to drop of one of my cars. I plan on stating with a friend and soaking up every moment before I embark on another military wife adventure. As soon as I get back it's packing and making sure everything is ready to move back and rolling with the punches. I just started a new friendship with another mil spouse and we have plans already that will defiantly keep us occupied till the boys get home.

Well off to work have a good day ladies


  1. that looks like my to do list...and well...i've got 1 thing done. bahaha. good luck!

  2. well you better get on it you have only 2 months left. Thers a lot more to this list for me ")
