Have you and your spouse agreed to live in separate locations (a geographical bachelor tour) knowing that the short-term inconvenience would have long-term benefits for your family? How did it work for you?
Yes, we have. When I was finishing up my B.A. In New York we were already married for about 5 months when he was livin of post down in Hood. I finale finished I the end of Aug in 2009 and moved down the September.
What is your favorite thing about being a MilSpouse?
My favorite thing about this lifestyle is meeting new people. There's alway people coming in and out of our lives I definitely have made some life long friends.
If you could still have your spouse/significant other and your family, but take the military life out of it…would you?
I don't know the military is what brougt us together our lives were way different before it but I can say this he would definitely be apart of my life.
What have your homecoming experiences been like after a year long tour of separation?
His 1st deploymen was cut short but the effects of it still took a toll on me emotionally. I can say it was the best feeling in the world when he was finally in front of me. This time it's goof to be 20 times better because I don't have to go anywhere bit hole with him.
If you have a child(ren) why you chose their name(s)? If not, why you would name your child something?
We don’t have children but definitely have some potential names already set ;)
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