Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WoRk It Out

Well, I Just finished my 1st work out of the week. I have been doing so bad on my diet these last 2 days. I practically ate everything that wasn't bolted down in my kitchen last night here's my list :

1. Person Pizza (Frozen)
2. Hummus and pretzels
3. bite size m&m packet
4. Ice cream
5. Chips
6. Juice.

In a matter of 4 hours is ridiculous. I haven't eaten that much since I left Ft. Hood I completely binged and hated myself after. I don't know what got into me. Toddy I had Special K for breakfast and then a pizza roll for lunch. I came home to Pasta and another m&m packet. I must be PMSing because there is no excuse for the no self control.
I must do good for the rest of the month if I want to be anywhere near my goal.

So to make up I of course went into my Jillian Michael's Collection and pulled out

Tomorrow's another day. Ill eat better and work out like it's no ones business.

"Fast results don't come for free"

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